Thursday, October 9, 2008


Some more sketches & drawings in working on.

Two tutorials that i saw and had to do lol...hey there's always new things we can learn, so i tried it with a friend of mine and her daughter. i think it came out great of course i had to make some changes to the actual photos, but it work great with the image.

The top piece you can see the lettering lot clearer, but it was far from done apposed to the image at the bottom. I wanted to make it dirty and griddy.

just messing around with my redesigned logo in Illustrator with the 3D setting and i came up with this and someother, but i didn't like the others.
I't been a while since i've posted a piece, but i just been very busy with my personal life and working so many hours it's just been hard to keep up with my sketches. I do have some small pieces here and there also some Graphic pieces too. And as for my good friend Fred...he just got a gigg a few days ago to do a storyboard for a Sony commercial which Jet Li will be in, you g boy! lol.